Have you ever been surprised by the lyrics of a song you thought you knew?
This happened to me the other day. I was helping a friend of mine, Hania Azimi, work on a script for a new video she is creating. Her next video will be about how our own uniqueness can be a real source of strength for us – even when we are afraid of how different we are, compared to our peers.
Then suddenly, I remembered one of my favourite songs, Superwoman, by one of my favourite artists, Alicia Keys. I thought Hania might like the lyrics as inspiration for her new video. So I searched out the Official music video for Superwoman and started watching it.
And wow, did I ever miss a lot.
I had understood the general theme of the song, but had missed the power and poetry of Alicia’s lyrics. In the music video below, her beautiful lyrics appear, along with the song. And they are so moving, at least to me. How did I miss them?
I hope the combination of words and music moves you too. And, don’t forget to set Subtitles on, so you don’t miss a word.
This song is an anthem to Alicia’s power, which she has had to fight for. For a deeper dive into what makes her such an artist, check out ,her recent autobiography. Alicia wrote More Myself: A Journey with Michelle Burford.

But I Can Fly
We Can Fly
Superwoman is also an anthem to all women – all colours, genders, nationalities, ages – and all women at different stages of their journey.
Cause I am Superwoman
Yes I Am
Yes She Is
Yes You Are
So moving. I think such songs and artists can lift us all up. Listening to this song with its powerful swells, makes me feel like I can fly.
Yes you can.
Until next time, let our warm hearts soar!
And thank you for caring that little bit extra – it really makes a big difference.