Who is driving our world’s newish interest in climate change?

Is it the old guard, hanging out in Scotland at the recent Climate Change Summit (UNFCCC COP 26)? They may have the power and the money, but who says they have the courage and commitment needed to make a real difference.

Who is generating the groundswell of interest and publicity that political leaders crave?

Young people. They have the energy, powerful social media tools and are driving the agenda.

So let’s harness that energy and use it to get excited about, not just climate change, but any issue that is truly important to us. Many young people have a passion that can be infectious. And that can be very useful to us.

So how can we do that?

There are lots of ways and it is really easy and fun to get started.

And for any one in their mid or later years, it can make you feel young again. 

You can feel young again by stimulating your mind and your heart. You can feel young again by feeling useful, productive and maybe even powerful in your own way.

If you want to feel like a really young person, go to This energetic organization describes themselves as A youth-led movement for good.

DoSomething is full of stories about young people wanting to improve the world and backing up their desire with action. The website is full of simple inspiring tips on how to make a difference. You can read and learn or sign up and join their movement.

But, even before you jump into the deep end, there is a simple first step you can take. 


There is a lot of good information out there that is interesting, moving and easy to find. Books, blogs, websites and videos by the millions. And your friend Google can show you where they are.

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Almost every charity, organization, service club or movement has information about who they are on their website. Most also have resource links (on their website) to allow you to learn more. And those links will lead you to more links. You can dive as deep into this material as you want.

The idea is not to push yourself, though. You don’t have to study this material and bring back the horrors of final exams. Even young people cringe at the thought of exams.

JUST BE MORE CURIOUS, follow your heart and let yourself be entertained.

Sit back and let it all sink in. It is just that simple.


Don’t be afraid of things you don’t know about. You can always start by asking Google or YouTube. There are no stupid questions when you are asking a computer. Besides, the computer answering your questions has no feelings or judgments.

Whenever, I want to explore a new topic or learn how to do something, I always ask Google for examples of how others have done what I want to start doing. This was how I did a lot of the research for this article. So ask away and get started on your younger life.


Although in-person engagement is the best of all, pandemic restrictions and loss of workplace socialization make this harder to set-up. Many people seek out volunteer work, often for the social benefits.

Although not nearly as fulfilling, regular contact with others by phone, text, email and social media can help you feel connected and alive to what is going on in the world. And you don’t have to limit yourself to people you already know. You can connect to people of all ages and all parts of the world. There are some really interesting people out there.

Another alternative is to combine social engagement with keeping updated on technology and social media. Many articles on retirement recommend learning and renewing your technology skills. You don’t have to become as proficient as younger people, but you can avoid the older feeling of being out of step with the modern world.

A part of my work with A Warm Heart has been learning how to promote my work through social media. Learning about Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram has been interesting and stimulating. It is easy and free to get yourself started. Pick any one platform to begin.

Millions of people, of all ages now, use social media regularly – everyone from actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, religious leaders and your neighbor next door. You can read about and follow specific people you like and add your own thoughts and opinions whenever you feel like chiming in.

You can avoid toxic discussions by strictly focusing on the people you like and trust and by never being seduced by extreme news or clickbait, no matter how titillating. Remember the truism that if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is.

That’s it for part 2/5. There is more good stuff to come.

Until next time, let our warm hearts soar!


And thank you for caring that little bit extra – it really makes a big difference.

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