A Mighty Girl – what an amazing name. And a perfect fit for a business devoted to the empowerment of girls.

A Mighty Girl was founded, as a labour of love, by Carolyn Danckaert and Aaron Smith from Washington, D.C..

The founders had spent years looking for empowering and inspirational books for their four young nieces. In the end, they decided to create A Mighty Girl as a resource site to help others equally interested in supporting and celebrating girls. Carolyn and Aaron created their website and blog with the belief that all children should have the opportunity to read books, play with toys, listen to music, and watch movies that offer positive messages about girls and honor their diverse capabilities.

Here is an excerpt from their website which describes their mission.

“Girls do not have to be relegated to the role of sidekick or damsel in distress; they can be the leaders, the heroes, the champions that save the day, find the cure, and go on the adventure. It is our hope that these high-quality children’s products will help a new generation of girls to grow and pursue whatever dreams they choose — to truly be Mighty Girls!”

They even include a photo of Carolyn in “her early mighty girl days”.


(This is an excerpt from a recent A Mighty Girl blog. A big thank you for your great work.)

Holiday gatherings usually involve many conversations with friends and family we don’t see very often — including little girls. At such times, no matter how dedicated you are to girl empowerment, it’s all too easy to fall into the stereotypical, appearance-based comments as a way to break the ice, especially with younger girls. After all, we’ve all spent years being taught by society that the best way to start a conversation with a little girl is to praise how pretty her dress is, how sparkly her nails are, or how cute she looks. However, with many girls developing body image concerns as early as 1st grade, it’s time to move past a fixation on girls’ appearances. And, of course, as we all know, girls have so much more to contribute to the conversation — all we have to do is ask!

To encourage more engaging discussions with the Mighty Girls you meet, whether during the holidays or any time of year, we’ve put together a selection of simple questions perfect for breaking the ice with young girls. These questions draw on a far wider range of interests than mere appearance, and will show girls what really interests you: her mind, her feelings, and her fascinating self!

Conversation Starters For Mighty Girls (my favorites from their blog post)

What’s your favorite thing to learn about?

What is your favorite book?

What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Who is your best friend? What are they like?

What are your favorite hobbies? What do you like to do for fun?

Do you have any pets? Tell me about them.

What do you love to draw, paint, or color?

What’s your favorite song to dance to?

If you could ask your hero one question, what would it be?

What is your favorite fairy tale?

If you were a scientist, what would you want to study?

If you were an inventor, what do you wish you could invent?

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? What would your superhero name be?

What sport have you always wanted to try?

What’s your favorite animal and why?

What do you think is the most interesting job in the world?

I think the main idea here is to avoid giving out the message, either directly or indirectly, that a girl’s appearance is the only thing worth talking about to young girls.

The video, below, shows us a fun way to think about this serious issue. Enjoy!


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Until next time, let our warm hearts soar!



And thank you for caring that little bit extra – it really makes a big difference.

Image from Room to Read - Thank you

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Girls’ Education Program Participant

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