Room to Read is celebrating the very important International Women’s Day.

On this special day, I was sent this invitation from Room to Read. And I wanted to pass it along to you.

The invitation is for you to educate a girl for only $15.

Imagine only $15 to support a girl’s education for a whole year.

For $15, you can help a girl stay in school longer, progress toward completion of secondary school and acquire the skills and agency she needs to choose her own path in life.

This is a fact: Educated women lead healthier and more productive lives, generating more income for themselves, their families, their communities and their countries. But even before the pandemic began, 98 million adolescent girls were out of school.

Cultural bias, gender discrimination and safety concerns discourage girls around the world from learning, and prevent them from realizing their full potential.

If you believe that every girl has a right to receive an education, transform a girl’s future this International Women’s Day by making a donation today.

There’s no better way to honor women’s achievements than by investing in the next generation. Only when more girls are educated can we hope to build a more equal future.

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Thank you very much.

Until next time


Image from Room to Read - Thank you

“Education is the only thing that cannot be taken away. It is the key to fulfilling my dreams.”
Girls’ Education Program Participant

Room to Read Nepal