Hania Azimi is becoming more creative and talented everyday. And I really appreciate all of her hard work.

Recently, she has learned how to create and edit videos. Below is her first creation about a very important topic.

Learning to Read in Your Own Language

In this video, Hania reviews the importance and benefits of helping children learn to read in their own language. This helps children to learn to read better and faster. And it also helps them to learn to read in other languages, such as English.

As Room to Read co-founder Erin Ganju said, “That’s how children learn to read – by starting with the language they hear spoken in their home environment.”

This video is fun and uplifting. I hope you enjoy it.

Who wouldn’t want to see children smiling, laughing and eager to learn? I don’t want to spoil the fun, so I will stop my rambling and let you get to the main event.

Thank you Hania.

Room to Read’s Incredible Committment

I hope you all have read about Room to Read‘s incredible work in this area. I wrote about it on page two of this website, entitled Who & Why.

Room to Read, an international charity, is a strong believer in teaching children to read in their own language. In fact, they are so committed they started publishing children’s books in many countries, where none existed before.

Here are some quick highlights from the Who & Why page of this website.

As Room to Read started to bring books to school libraries, and in many cases creating libraries where none existed, they found that there were almost no books written for young children in their own language. In many cases, no books had ever even been published. Almost none existed.

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I was shocked when I read about this. And so were the Room to Read founders. I wanted to learn why.

The founders discovered that  for many of the parents, in the developing countries where Room to Read works, there is no money to buy books. What little money they have goes to food and basic necessities for survival. And because there are so few people to buy such books, almost none are written or published. There is no market for them.

To move past this big obstacle, the Room to Read founders decided to do the publishing themselves. No one else was doing this, so they jumped right in. This is what co-founder John Wood calls GSD or  getting shit done.

To get this publishing started, they knew they wanted to set up local people to create these books. First, they scouted for local talent and were surprised at the vigorous response.  As John Wood wrote, “Once word got out that Room to Read was willing to pay local authors and artists, we had sixty-seventy manuscript submissions within the first month.” 

The next step was to set up workshops to help budding authors and artists with training in writing, illustration and editing. Then the publishing program was off and running.

Co-founder Dinesh Shrestha described what happened: “We published fourteen books during the first two years: I was so so happy. In Nepal, we single-handedly created a market for children’s picture books. All those commercial publishers who didn’t agree with me are now producing similar books.”

John was just as excited. “Within three years, our teams in Cambodia, Laos, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Vietnam were producing more than a hundred new and original titles each year, using local authors and artists.”

GSD can really make things happen.

You can learn more about Room to Read from their YouTube channel. Sit back and enjoy.

And, very soon, I will share more videos from Hania. I am looking forward to more of her creative work.

Until next time.



Image from Room to Read - Thank you

“Education is the only thing that cannot be taken away. It is the key to fulfilling my dreams.”
Girls’ Education Program Participant

Room to Read Nepal