Dr. Michael R. MacDonald
I was re-watching an interesting video from Room to Read , the other day, called What’s Your Superpower (see below). The many great ideas took me by surprise, again, as I read an older post, which featured this video.
I liked these ideas so much that I thought the post deserved an update.
Lessons from Young Girls
In this video, several young girls (as well as men and women) from Bangladesh were interviewed. They described some of the strengths that helped them in their lives. These are attainable and inspiring superpowers that can help young girls and women build their confidence and power in a difficult world.
And they can be powerful skills for all of us at home, at work and in our everyday relationships.
Here is how some of the superpowers (from the video) are described.
I have a superpower. But it is not what you might think.
It’s not flying. It’s not time traveling.
I’m talking about the life skills that every girl and every woman needs.
Superpowers that can be taught.
My superpower is curiosity.
My superpower is confidence because I can motivate others.
My superpower is determination. Determination to personally choose joy and spread it in any environment I enter.
My superpower is empathy because we need to help each other even in a cold world.
My superpower is perseverance because it brings forth unimaginable strength and helps me battle every difficulty with the conviction that I am strong and I can be stronger still.
Check them out and many nmore in the video.
Superpowers to Help Us All
It is easy to see how these skills and attitudes can help young girls in their daily lives. To me, what is less obvious is how such superpowers can help us all.
One of the things that struck me about this list of superpowers is that many of us already have them to varying degrees. Yet, we underestimate just how powerful they are. And we take them for granted.
If we think about it though, powers like curiosity and empathy are core skills that can help anyone throughout their lives. They keep us learning and being more connected to others.
In a recent post, I described 10 ways to strengthen our minds. I didn’t describe these as superpowers, but maybe I should have. I believe they are that potent.
Here are a few examples.
Resilience: With a strong mind you have the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. You can recover from adversity and continue to pursue your goals despite obstacles.
Emotional Intelligence: A strong mind helps you to understand and manage your emotions, as well as empathize with others. This skill helps you to navigate interpersonal relationships and maintain mental wellness.
Self-Awareness: Strong-minded individuals possess a clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. This self-awareness allows you to make informed decisions and maintain focus on your goals.
Mental Toughness: This is an important component. It gives you the confidence, courage, commitment, control, and purpose necessary to face your challenges head-on. Mental toughness enables you to push through difficulties without losing your inner strength.
Positive Mindset: A positive outlook is crucial for a strong mind. This includes practicing gratitude, focusing on solutions rather than problems, and cultivating a growth mindset that embraces learning from experiences. This mindset includes a strong belief that you can keep learning and getting better, all throughout your life.
Such superpowers can really help make this world a better place, just as one of ther girls said “even in a cold world”.
Until next time, let our warm hearts soar!
And thank you for caring that little bit extra – it really makes a big difference.